Speed and data are insurers’ keys to AI
Speed and data are insurers’ keys to AI
Delve into the latest article by Digital Insurance shedding light on the imperative for insurers to accelerate their data operations in the age of AI. Gain invaluable insights into how cutting-edge technologies are reshaping the insurance landscape and learn how InsurTech NY is at the forefront of driving innovation in this dynamic sector. AI in Insurance is a growing sector, and through our conference panels with highly qualified speakers, we will explore future potential and applications.
Dive deeper into the article here to discover how we’re shaping the future of insurance through data-driven strategies with our innovative Spring Conference panels.
Panel Included Carey Nadeau of Loop, Tanner Hackett of Counterpart, Dan Abrahamsen of Cover Whale, Dan Dubiner of Scalehub and Sri Ramaswamy of Charlee.ai, discussing the use of AI in claims management at InsurtechNY at Pier 60 in Chelsea Piers, New York on March 30, 2023.
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