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Live From Risktech 2019: “It’s Not Just For IT Anymore!”

David Gritz of InsurTech NY was on the RIMScast podcast, recorded live at the RiskTech Forum:


Welcome to RIMScast. Your host is Justin Smulison, Business Content Manager at RIMS, the Risk and Insurance Management Society.

Today’s episode was recorded live, December 9th, in New York City at the inaugural RIMS Risktech Forum 2019! It was a terrific event with more than 170 registrants. Throughout the course of the event, a story was told through the sessions about the present and future states of the industry. And that is, that it’s undeniable that risk tech is vital to the future of the profession.

At the Risktech Forum, three incredible guests dropped by the RIMS booth to speak with Justin about all things risk tech, risk management, blockchain, and more! The first guest that joined Justin was Lori Seidenberg, the Global Director of Real Assets Insurance at BlackRock, Inc. She is also a longtime RIMS member, a former RIMS Board Member, and is the 2020–2021 Vice President of the RIMS NY Chapter. Next up is David Gritz, the Co-Founder of InsurTechNY. At the Risktech Forum, he led the session titled “Buying into Blockchain,” where he shared all of his key insights! And thirdly, Liz Walker joins the podcast to wrap up the with Justin. Liz is the Director of Enterprise Risk and Global Insurance at Groupon. She was also a panelist at Risktech and led a session called: “If I Can Do It, So Can You: Risk Managers Share Their Tech Adoption Strategies.”


Listen to the live from RiskTech 2019 RIMScast podcast episode here.


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