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Integrating Data to Save Lives – Wellness, Safety and ESG

Education & Networking


Start Date
November 16, 2021
Rise New York, 43 W 23rd St, 2nd Floor, New York, New York, 10010

Traditionally, there has been a divide between risk managers (buyers) and insurers (sellers). Over time, risk mangers built an expertise in identifying risks and finding the appropriate insurance product to use to transfer that risk. With the advent InsurTech, RiskTech, and wellness-focused startups, the lines between risk managers’ and insurers’ roles are blurring.

Insurers through InsurTech partnerships can now offer services to mitigate risks before they happen and improve recovery from incidents after they happen. These three-way partnerships between startup, insurer, and risk manager have tremendous potential to improve the health and safety of our workforce and mitigate disasters before they happen.

Surrounding this environment is an ever-present need to do business in an environmentally conscious and socially responsible way. As a trend towards ESG moves through the Fortune 500, insurers need to establish their ESG positions and use them to their strategic advantage.

Hear from subject matter experts on wellness, safety, and ESG on the new approaches being used by startups to prevent claims before they happen.

We will donate a portion of the ticket revenue from this event to the Spencer Educational Foundation.

COVID-19 Information: Per NYC rules, proof of vaccination will be required to attend in-person.

Agenda Overview

5:30 PM EST – Registration and Networking

6:00 PM EST – Welcome and Introductions

6:05 PM EST – Panel 1: Using Data to Improve Wellness

6:35 PM EST – TED Talk: Improving Data Quality in a World of Evolving Privacy Regs

6:43 PM EST – TED Talk: Protecting Your Policyholder with NatCat Monitoring

6:50 PM EST – Wellness Break hosted by Optimity

7:05 PM EST – Panel 2: Attracting Gen Z through ESG

7:25 PM EST – Panel 3: Using Underwriting Data to Prevent Claims

7:55 PM EST – Networking & Closing Remarks

8:30 PM EST – End

Featured Speakers

We are bringing together an expert lineup of insurance carrier leaders, InsurTech founders, and solution provider leaders. This section will be continuously updated with new speakers.

Nichole Myers – Head of Underwriting Propositions, Swiss Re

Michael Pastor – CEO, CGS Health

Jane Wang – CEO, Optimity

Melanie Ramey – Associate, Eversheds Sutherland

Lisa Wardlaw – Head of Insurance Solutions, ICEYE

Jeff Cohen – SVP, Zywave

Anaha Babu – Student, St. John’s University

Reiner Atstathi – Student, St. John’s University

Bill Keogh – COO, Eos Venture Partners

Courtney Osborne – SVP, Casualty, Marsh

Isaac Espinoza – Head of Reinsurance, Root

Robert Anderson – Principal Architect, Endava

 InsurTech NY: Integrating Data to Save Lives - Wellness, Safety and ESG image
 InsurTech NY: Integrating Data to Save Lives - Wellness, Safety and ESG image
 InsurTech NY: Integrating Data to Save Lives - Wellness, Safety and ESG image
 InsurTech NY: Integrating Data to Save Lives - Wellness, Safety and ESG image
 InsurTech NY: Integrating Data to Save Lives - Wellness, Safety and ESG image

Our Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors for making this event possible:

Eversheds SutherlandICEYELevvelOptimitySpencer Educational Foundation

This section will be updated as we confirm more sponsors.

 InsurTech NY: Integrating Data to Save Lives - Wellness, Safety and ESG image

Who Should Attend

  • CEOs, COOs, CFOs
  • Distribution: CRO, Managing Directors, and VPs
  • Analytics: VPs, Directors, and Managers in Analytics
  • Data Science and Architects: VPs, Directors, and Managers of Data Science and Enterprise Architecture
  • Underwriting: CUOs, VPs, Directors, and Managers of Underwriting
  • Policy Admin: VPs, Directors, and Mangers of Policy Administration
  • InsurTech Founders and Executives
  • Innovation Leaders: VPs, Directors, and Managers of Innovation
  • Corporate Ventures: Managing Directors, Principals, and Associates in Corporate Ventures Capital
  • VCs and Angel Investors

About InsurTechNY

InsurTechNY’s mission is to bring together carriers, brokers, startups, and investors to help accelerate the digital transformation of the Insurance industry in the greater New York region. We do this by facilitating new relationships and sharing insights from influencers within the industry through hosting 6 educational and networking events a year (est. every 2 months).

A Previous InsurTech NY Event

Below is an example of one of our bi-monthly events (Dec 5). Influencers from Carriers/Brokers such as NY Life, Prudential, and Everest Re and InsurTech startups such as Hyper Science and Livegenic and investors from IA Capital and Overlook Rock attended the event from the greater NY region and beyond.


Video: Full event on Youtube


PhotosFlickr Event Album

 InsurTech NY: InsurTech Investment Summit image


Privacy note: InsurTech NY collects your email and phone number at registration. We use your information to share news and updates about this event and future events. We also reserve the option to share your information with our event sponsors. If you wish to opt-out, please email



Start Date
November 16, 2021
Rise New York, 43 W 23rd St, 2nd Floor, New York, New York, 10010

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